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News Article

Zoppe Family Circus Reviewed Sept. 2004 
Posted 9/10/2004 10:10:18 PM  by Webmaster
News from Ed Limbach viewed 3474 times

Friday, September 10, 2004 - Canfield, OH
Following is an original review of the Zoppe Family Circus from their Canfield, Ohio date. The reviewer is Ed Limbach, Director of Public Relations and Media for the CFA



On September 4, 2004 my wife, Lynn, and I decided to attend the Mahoning County Fair for the express purpose of seeing the Zoppe Family Circus. We arrived at the fair at about 11:30 am and immediately proceeded to the Zoppe Circus. When we arrived at the big top we saw a sign the next show at 6pm. We thought that the sign must be in error so we saw a clown standing near the entrance and asked if the time was correct. He immediately introduced himself as Nino Zoppe. I told him that we were members of the Circus Fans Association of America and we proceeded to strike up a conversation. After about 15 minutes later, he said, " I want you to meet my father, Alberto Zoppe." We proceeded to the backyard and there sat Alberto with Mike and Silvius Piccolo exchanging jackpots. We were honored to meet Alberto.

They immediately found chairs and wanted us to join in the jackpots. Alberto's wife, Sandy came to the door of the trailer and welcomed us. They made us feel right at home. Alberto told us a very interesting story about how he came to America in 1948. At the time he was running and performing in the Zoppe Circus in Italy. He said that one day he got a call from John Ringling North telling him that he wanted him to perform in the Greatest Show on Earth. Alberto said I told him I can't leave the circus. North said that he needed me and that Cecil B. DeMille wanted him in the movie, "The Greatest Show on Earth". Alberto explained that after the war there were no elephants in Italian Circuses as what had been available died during the war. So he said, I told John Ringling North that if you want me, I will come but you must send me an elephant to replace me on the Zoppe Circus. North said that he couldn't do that so Alberto told him that's ok forget about me coming to America. North replied ok you got your elephant. And so Alberto came to America to star in the Greatest Show on Earth. Now that is a great jackpot.

The Zoppe Family Circus big top seats about 500 and we knew that there would be a crowd to get in to the 6pm show. We arrived at about 5 :15pm and a crowd was already assembling. We moved up to the rope line and stood there about 10 minutes when Nino Zoppe spotted us. He came right over and said, "You don't stand in line come with me and pick out the seats you want. There were about 50 chairs right on the ring curb. We were able to sit right in the center. While we were waiting for the show to start Alberto came into the big top and wanted to know if we didn't want a cup of coffee. We thanked him as we had just finished dinner. It was interesting to watch Alberto, 82, go around the big top checking things out. He even got a rake and smoothed out the sawdust where the horses would later go around the ring curb. Another thing that impressed me was Nino going around under the bleechers picking up paper or discarded soda cups.

The Zoppe Family Circus is created to be reminiscent of the one-ring European family circuses of the last century. The inside of the tent was very colorful with stingers of lights and the Zoppe Family crest over the performers entrance. The music was canned but very well done. The Italian atmosphere was created with the Italian music. As patrons began filling the big top it was interesting to note that family members were greeting them and helping them to their seats. The show start time was delayed almost fifteen minutes due to the large crowd and Zoppes effort to get everyone a seat.

Finally the show started with a dynamic grand entry. The crowd was taken back with the energy displayed in the opening. It is clear the show revolves around Nino and his outstanding clown performance. The audience loved him. The lady sitting next to me said that this is the greatest circus I have ever seen. Nino does a great job of getting the audience involved. After Nino, a great dog act was presented by Rudolpho Zoppe. It is fast moving and a real crowd pleaser. Nino then does a routine on the trapeze that had the audience gasping. Another clown performed with a violin which was received favorably by the audience. The finale was the presentation of two beautiful horses and equestrian ballerina, Tosca Zoppe who was sensational. Nino also performed in this act. Alberto guided the horses during the routine. The show ended with a skit by Nino and members of the cast.

For a midway show the running time was a little long but the audience didn't mind. In fact, the Zoppes got a standing ovation. That is very special for a fair crowd.

The other thing that struck me is the fact that the performers positioned themselves outside of the tent and thanked patrons for coming and shook hands with them. I overhead many positive compliments. The fact is this is a very unique circus. It is very patron friendly and it is high-energy show from start to finish.

A tip of the hat to the Zoppe Family for creating a great circus.

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